TruWell is a software developed by TRUST used for well management for Oil & Gas clients. The software will assist in monitoring in real-time status of the wells by doing integration with real-time database, delivering graphical dashboards that can assist the process team, while at the same time showing the correct dashboards to the  management team.


– automated wells flow data calculation 

– reconciled and raw wells flow data

– less manual work 

– validated data 

– integrated with other systems, so automated data exchange 

Features & Functions

-managed important oil and gas wells data such as flow rates, temp, pressure, choke valve openings etc

– manages respective quality data

– calculates flow rate using suitable and comprehensive equations and charts for each well

– back-allocation calculation of flow per well

– reconciled flow figures using downstream plants mass balance 

– calorific calculation by line 

– integrates with all real time and measurement data sources such as Historian SW, DCS and SCADA.

– integrates with TruPlant for data storage, retrieval and exchange.

– manual data entry is available if needed 

– integrates with other systems like SAP and Oracle ERP

– graphical, easy navigation and presentation

– configurable and pre configured reports and KPIs