TruOperate is an operations management software that uses best operations management practices, to enable respective operations teams, to prepare, issue, receive and route operations instructions and steps automatically. It creates a collaboration environment for managing respective operations tasks and functions. It can also receive, view and manage plant events. TruOperate also provides a tool, to manage and automate Operator Log creation, access and management.


  • Enhances the collaboration and productivity amongst the operations staff.
  • Enhance staff productivity through better communication, collaborative environment and reduced manual work.
  • Improve plant safety and operability.
  • Decision support.
  • Easier access to operations manuals, drawings and procedures.

Features & Functions

  • Automate the design, configuration, management, data collection and integration of operations management functions and tasks, including operations instructions, operational events, safety issues, performance issues and Operator Logs.
  • Uses plants data, referential and design data, that is available at TruPlant.
  • Uses dynamic plant data, coming from RTDB, ERP, data loggers(TruPlant) and DCS systems.
  • Follow best standards and practices of operations management in major industries such as oil refineries, upstream oil facilities, petrochemical plants, power plants and gas processing plants.
  • Provides and manages all operations management functions and requirements such as:
    • Operating instructions creation, editing, routing, tracking and execution.
    • Operating instructions distribution.
    • Operating instruction import from other systems, such as scheduling, batch tracking and blending systems.
    • Define and breakdown operations instruction into steps and define them.
    • Define organizational hierarchy, reporting, operations groups and sections, so can control authorities, access rights and routing of instructions accordingly.
    • Define logical, as well as physical operating areas.
    • Define operator logs classes and categories, such as management, safety, projects etc…
    • Automate Operator Logs, creation, editing, filling and access.
    • Define several Operator Logs, assign them to categories and users as appropriate.
    • Link to CMMS systems, for viewing relevant scheduled maintenance work, hence trigger relevant operating instructions.
    • Capture and present main HSE and operating events, as received from other systems.
  • Management reporting, analytics and queries, related to operations management.
  • Enable electronic access to operations manuals, start-up, shutdown instructions and other technical documents and drawings, that may be needed by operations teams.
  • Integration with field and site tour data, using TruPDA for site tours which is fully integrated with TruOperate.