Project Type:  MES/Advanced Automation (Production Information & Shipping system-PRISM)

Client:  Abu Dhabi Gas Co (GASCO) / Honeywell Middle East

Successfully Completed: Q2 2010

Brief: The Production Information and Shipping Management System (PRISM) was awarded by Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. (GASCO) to Honeywell on 19th February 2009. PRISM solution caters to the growing business of GASCO and it is very much holistic in nature i.e. fully integrated consisting of frameworks for Integration and Development in addition to a set of commercially, off-the-shelf integrated modules. Trust Technical Services was contracted by Honeywell to implement a web-based TruSafe – Emission Monitoring Module (one of several modules in TruSafe), meeting the HSE business requirements, track and manage emission levels in all of GASCO facilities across various sites.



  • Trutech: TruSafe
  • Trutech: TruPlant
  • Trutech: TruProd